When engaging with a new team, they should be able to answer these critical questions:
- What crucial customer problem are you solving?
- Why does it matter?
- What impact will it have on the customer's life if you solve it?
- How will it drive value for the business?
- What does success look like?
- How will you know you achieved it?
- How can you measure it so you can track progress?
These aren't just good questions; they are essential for any team to answer so they solve a crucial customer problem and deliver customer and business value.
Then and only then can teams move forward to:
- Use what they already know by leveraging existing data to determine what they need to learn next.
- Discovery work begins to dive deep to understand and validate the customer problem.
- Identify the best path to value by testing their critical assumptions with short feedback loops as they continuously gain more insight and data to drive informed decisions.
Without answering these foundational questions, teams risk veering off course, wasting resources, and frustrating leaders and team members.
Start with the essentials to ensure your team is on the right path to success.
Written By: Pam Krengel