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Essentials to Elevating Teams to High-Performing

Ever wonder how top-performing teams reach their full potential? Let us streamline the essentials to prepare your team for high performance by setting them up for success.πŸ’‘ Let's dive in together!


πŸ”¨ Team Building Foundations

  • Members: Clarify their purpose and selection, ensuring everyone knows how their skills, knowledge, expertise, and perspectives are instrumental to helping solve these crucial customer problems.
  • Roles: Recognize innovation as a team sport. Ensure cross-functional teams have diverse members from across the organization best equipped to tackle this high-value opportunity. Identify and plan for gaps early in crucial roles.
  • Team Values and Working Agreements: Establish values and working agreements for how they will collaborate, make decisions, and engage in healthy debates when disagreements arise to form a solid foundation for teamwork.

πŸš€ The Innovation Journey

  • Team Vision: Craft a compelling vision as the team's North Star. It paints a picture of what the team aspires to achieve and captures the impact they want to have on the customer's life. It will also fuel motivation and guide challenges.
  • Team Strategy: Aligned with organizational goals, it answers how a team will achieve its vision, what the team prioritizes, and establishes guardrails on what they will not do.
  • Customer Problem: Deeply understand customer problems, needs, desires, and aspirations by leveraging existing research, data, and discovery to uncover the critical problem(s) to solve.
  • Desired Outcomes: Articulate the impact the team expects to have on the customer's life after a specific problem is solved and why this work matters to the organization, driving business value (the customer and business outcomes).
  • Success Metrics: Align and establish defined metrics that tell the team they achieved the desired outcomes. It also allows the team to track progress toward accomplishing their desired outcomes.

😎 Communication Excellence

  • Tools and Platforms: Choose collaboration tools wisely for seamless communication.
  • Team Dynamics: Set workdays, vacations, and communication norms for in-person and remote teams.
  • Cadence: Establish a rhythmic heartbeat with regular sprints, defined milestones, learning goals, and the cadence of sprint planning, standups, demos, and retrospectives.


🀝 Team Commitment and Trust:

  • Work to establish team commitment and trust, the bedrock for success. Without them, discord, conflicts, and confusion may arise.


Embark on your innovation journey with these essentials! 🌟 Want to dive deeper into transformation and how you build high-performing leaders and teams that can accelerate discovering and delivering customer and business value so you can innovate at scale? Contact Us!